Wind out of east, fishing least

That myth is fact on Oneida Lake, which by topography runs east-west. And according to local anglers—and tournament history—the fishing is indeed less productive when the wind blows from that direction. And blowing it is. Photographer Andy Crawford just checked in from the gusty lake, saying there are two-footers on the open water—which is most of this oval-shaped fishery.

This time yesterday, Andy reported Frenchman Island—a popular community hole—as covered up in boats. Today? No boats at all. In fact, yesterday Andy said he could easily see boats across the sunny, calm water. Today, boats are fewer to see, and those he’s spotted are on windblown points, or hidden in the canals and quieter coves.

With that said, it’s likely we could see a notable shift in the tournament leader board. Stay tuned to see what happens on this eve of Championship Saturday.