If you don't find the answer to your question below, we're here to help. Call us at 877-BASS-USA, option #2 or send an e-mail to bassmaster@emailcustomerservice.com.
How do I join B.A.S.S.?
The easiest and quickest way to join B.A.S.S. is on Bassmaster.com. There are several join options throughout the website or here.
How much does it cost to join?
The annual cost of a B.A.S.S. membership is $34. Special introductory or renewal rates are available at times.
What are the benefits of a B.A.S.S. Membership?
• Subscription to Bassmaster Magazine
• Members-Only Section of Bassmaster.com where you can access exclusive tips,
archives and member discounts.
• Tournament Eligibility
• Bass Nation Eligibility
• Automatic entry to prize giveaways
Visit Bassmaster.com/membership for more info
What is the automatic renewal program?
The automatic renewal program means that your B.A.S.S. membership will never expire unless you tell us to cancel it. Members like this program as it means no renewal notices in the mail and no risk of their benefits or magazine subscription expiring. We will automatically renew your membership each year and charge the credit card we have on file for you. You will receive a notification approx. 30 days before we renew your membership each year. You can cancel at any time.
What is a B.A.S.S. Life Membership?
B.A.S.S. Life Membership includes all the benefits of a regular B.A.S.S. membership for life plus some additional benefits like priority entry for tournaments and onsite benefits at the Bassmaster Classic. The standard cost of a B.A.S.S. Life Membership is $750.
What is B.A.S.S. Nation?
The B.A.S.S. Nation is a global network of locally organized clubs whose members participate in and support a range of activities, including tournaments, conservation initiatives and youth programs. Through competitions, B.A.S.S. Nation anglers can advance to bass fishing’s biggest stage - The Bassmaster Classic. For more information, visit Bassmaster.com/b-a-s-s-nation/
What is Bass Times magazine?
B.A.S.S. Times is a monthly newspaper for the serious bass angler. Every issue is packed with B.A.S.S. tournament coverage, conservation news, resource issues and advanced "how-to" articles that will definitely help YOU catch more bass. It's also the official publication of the B.A.S.S. Nation, the foundation of this sport's conservation movement and competitive fishing at the local level. Get involved - Get B.A.S.S. Times, order today or phone 877-BASS-USA.
How can I compete in tournaments?
B.A.S.S. has multiple levels of competition from grass roots local tournaments through the B.A.S.S. Nation structure, to our youth platforms including High School and College events. For the anglers who want to test their skills there are Kayak Trails and the Open Series to the professional trail - The ELITE Series and The Bassmaster Classic. For more details visit Bassmaster.com/tournaments
Does B.A.S.S. offer a program for kids?
B.A.S.S. offers the Junior Bassmaster program as part of the B.A.S.S. Nation plus High School and College Events. Learn more.
How do I subscribe to the B.A.S.S. E-newsletter?
There are several B.A.S.S. Newsletters to keep up with the latest information and
offers. Subscribe.
Can I give a membership as a gift?
Yes, B.A.S.S. has a program where you can give the gift of B.A.S.S. membership,
and Bassmaster Magazine. Learn more.
What is the cost of a B.A.S.S. Membership if I live outside the United States?
Standard Canadian and International rates are $40.00/year although reduced
introductory rates are available at times on Bassmaster.com.
Does B.A.S.S. offer a Digital version of Bassmaster Magazine?
Yes, Bassmaster publishes a Digital version of the magazine each issue. Subscribe here. Current active B.A.S.S. members can get a 50% discount on a digital subscription through the members-only section of Bassmaster.com.
Already a Member?
Below are answers to questions you may have regarding your membership:
My Account Where can I find my member number?
Your member number will be needed to log in to access you members-only section of Bassmaster.com or register for a tournament. It can be found on the membership card in your welcome pack or on your Bassmaster Magazine label.
Click here for information on how to find it.

You can also call customer service for help. Quick Tip: we encourage members to save their member number on their smartphone for easy access whenever they need it.
How do I log into the members-only section of Bassmaster.com?
You can access the members only section of Bassmaster.com by clicking the "Log In" link in the top menu above.
How do I check my B.A.S.S. Membership status or pay my bill online?
You can check your status or manage your membership within the online member portal.
How do I change my address on my membership?
• You can change your address online within our member portal.
• You can also send an e-mail to bassmaster@emailcustomerservice.com with
your Name & Membership number, and both old/new addresses.
Bassmaster Magazine
How long does it take to receive my first magazine or introductory gifts?
Your first issue of Bassmaster Magazine or any gifts associated with your offer can take 4-6 weeks to arrive. If it has been longer than 6 weeks, please contact customer service to confirm your delivery address and check on your account.
When should my Bassmaster Magazine issues deliver?
Issues should reach all members no later than the 11th of each month. For double issue (like September/August) they should be received by the 11th of the first month listed.
Why do I receive renewal notices so early?
Bassmaster Magazine is printed several weeks before the actual issue is shipped, thus those members who renew close to their expiration date may miss an issue. Early renewal notices are delivered in order to prevent such interruptions.
I recently renewed my B.A.S.S. Membership but I received an additional notice in the mail; why?
Renewal payments can take a while to post to your account. In most cases, your payment and the additional renewal notices or have simply crossed in the mail.
I'm suddenly receiving two issues per month; how can I fix this?
This occurs when B.A.S.S. has two separate memberships on file for the same person/address. These memberships can be combined, and the one membership will result in a new expiration date. Please contact B.A.S.S. Membership Services at bassmaster@emailcustomerservice.com or toll-free 877-BASS-USA to resolve the issue.
If your question isn’t listed here, we can still help. Send an e-mail
to bassmaster@emailcustomerservice.com or call us at 877-BASS-USA (877-227-7872),