Like father, like son

Yesterday when we interviewed Scott Martin, he spoke of his “pattern.”

That put a wide smile on my face. Why was that? A pattern is the fundamental conditions that define a successful tournament game plan. Defined, a pattern is the exact set of water conditions such as depth, cover, structure, temperature, clarity, currents, etc., which have produced bass at similar locations all over the same body of water.

The idea, concept and definition was first defined by the legendary Roland Martin in 1969, and in the pages of the very first issues of Bassmaster magazine.

Martin is following the definition of his father’s invention.

“In strong current, like we’ve had this week, the largemouth don’t want to expend energy constantly fighting the current, so they seek the first area of slack water to get out of it.”

Martin is running a pattern that extends from McFarland Park to the Kogers Island area, making stops at those slack water areas nearest the channel.