Toledo Bend toad for Chapman

It seems the magic time has arrived for Brent Chapman this  morning. James Overstreet and I had seen several big bass thrashing the surface in the last 15 minutes. Right on cue, Chapman stuck a big one on a football head jig with UV Hawg trailer.


The bass hit his jig on the fall, so as soon at Chapman tightened his line, the fight was on. And the fight was quite an adventure.


"I can see him," Chapman said with a tone of distress in his voice, after the bass wrapped his line around a tree. Chapman managed to get the fish free, then leaned over the bow of his boat to lip it.


"That's a Toledo toad!" Chapman yelled as he lifted it in the boat.


It wasn't a giant by Toledo Bend standards, but the 6-pounder put a big smile on Chapman's face. That should give him 16 1/2 pounds, exactly what he finished with yesterday.