Conservation summit emphasizes fisheries management
B.A.S.S. will renew an old tradition at this year’s Bassmaster Classic, when it plays host to a 2 ½-day Conservation Summit.
How the LMBV panic was averted
Cooperation among anglers and resource managers kept the situation under control while more was learned about LMBV.
Georgia club improves Oconee habitat
Water willows in Lake Oconee add shoreline vegetation, nursery habitat and ambush cover.
Conservation hero honored
David Ramsey was instrumental in securing a 10,000-acre watershed for public use.
Experiment nets Berkley award
Will gamefish spawn on a suspended, artificial platform? That’s the question the New Mexico B.A.S.S. Federation Nation is attempting to answer with a helping hand from the Kids of the Southwest B.A.S.S. Youth Club.
H.R. 200 – now is the time to act
H.R. 200 is up for vote in the U.S. House of Representatives next Tuesday, June 26. The voice of bass anglers is critical in changing fisheries management laws for recreational...
Largemouth bass virus resurfaces
Recent fish kills at Kerr Reservoir and Briery Lake in Virginia have been linked to largemouth bass virus by Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries biologists. LMBV has not been implicated in fish kills nationally for nearly a decade.
Floods spreading giant salvinia
Although giant salvinia has been found in at least 11 states since 1995, it has been most aggressive and troublesome in east Texas and northern Louisiana. Floods last fall along the Sabine and Red rivers emphasized the reality to resource managers, lakefront property owners and anglers.
Deadly Designer Implants Built For Destructive Carp
Grass carp are the fish that bass anglers love to hate because of their voracious appetites for weedy habitat and occasional overstocking by lakefront associations and resource managers.