

Without a paddle

You read and hear a lot about confidence and its importance in bass fishing — especially competitive fishing. It's all true.


Broaden your experiences

There’s a lot to be learned about bass fishing when fishing for other species of fish.


Follow the current

There’s a lot written about bass fishing current in lakes and manmade reservoirs. It’s something that we all know is important. But how many of us really understand it? I suspect not very many.


Remember the kids

Recently I had a chance to spend some time with a young man I met a few years ago at an ICAST show.


Wheeler Lake on a roll

Wheeler Lake used to be the place to go when you wanted lots of action with 12- to 15-inch bass. Now it’s also producing the heavyweights.


Life in a tail spin

If your bass fishing is in a downward spiral, perhaps it’s time to go retro with bait selection. Elite Series pros explain why the old tailspinner still deserves a place on your casting deck.


Fish Michigan’s Lake Superior

If you’d like a remote fishing adventure that you can drive to, put Bay Mills in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula on your to-do list. Here you can launch in Lake Superior’s Whitefish Bay, and you can visit one of the oldest lighthouses on the Great Lakes.

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