The right approach
Everything from what direction to pull the boat into the area to how long of a cast to make, the smallest change in approach can improve your day.
Looking for change
The more I fish the more I realize what I’m really looking for is change. That helps me find fish every time I’m on the water. It’s the basis of everything I do. Bass always relate to differences. That means we should too.
Winter fishing can be challenging
As true winter arrives in most of the country your fishing options become more limited. "Limited" doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
It’s all relative
What makes for a trophy smallmouth bass? I’ve thought a lot about that over the years. I don’t think you can answer that question unless you know where the fish was caught.
Gadgets and other technology
When you're fishing against the best anglers in the world, it's important to take advantage of every advantage you can.
Big baits score big fall bass
Once water temperatures settle into the low 60s and mid 50s and the lakes are being drawn to winter pool, big fish go on the prowl.
Change tactics during warming trends
We’re having a warming trend here in Michigan this week which brings me to a pattern that a lot of anglers overlook.
How do you get sponsors?
The number one question I get these days is one that every professional angler says they get asked: “How do you get sponsors?”
How fall turnover affects bass fishing
Don't let it get you down. We've got the remedy for fall turnover blues.