Lester’s fall tips for Nickajack Lake
Brandon Lester grew up fishing lakes and reservoirs in Tennessee and is always ready to share his sure-fire tips for finding and catching bass on these respected fisheries.
Tackle Tip Tuesday: Fall fishing topwaters
In this Tackle Tip Tuesday video, Luke Palmer shows off his two favorite topwaters for the fall fishing season. Water temperatures are cooling off and fish are on the move...
Dealing with fall transition
This is the time of year when fishing can get tough. It’s early fall, and the fish tend to scatter. I saw that first hand last week when I visited...
Tackle Tip Tuesday: How Hudnall punches grass
In this Tackle Tip Tuesday video, Derek Hudnall breaks down the equipment that is necessary for punching thick grass in the late summer, early fall.
Techniques for late summer bass fishing
Last time we talked about football being out for the most part this year, and bass fishing being in for the whole part. We were talking about fall, though. Right...
Check your boat for gremlins
We’re deep into the fishing season, and fall is around the corner. If you’re a boat owner and things have gone well with your equipment this year, it’s easy to...
Target acquired with my electronics
Picture this: You’re on the lake slaying some big smallmouth off of your forward-looking sonar, and the bionic Terminator version of a bass slides onto your screen. “Come with me...
Tackle Tip Tuesday: Lineberger’s favorite lens color
In this Tackle Tip Tuesday video, Shane Lineberger breaks down the pair of sunglasses he wears for all times of day. Whether it’s morning, midday or evening, these are the...