Tackle Tip Tuesday: Paquette picks spring smallie baits
Garrett Paquette explains his three favorite baits for early season smallmouth fishing just as the ice melts off of northern lakes.
How Combs gets the most out of his electronics
Elite angler Keith Combs goes over his electronics setup and shares his tips for optimal operation.
Rhythm and success in fishing
A big part of fishing success is rhythm — you get into a pattern of when to do what and you build on that. This year, we’re all going to...
Land of giants: Hunting spring monsters
We’re starting the second quarter with a bang, as prespawn/spawning season offers great opportunities to bend a rod on your personal best. Check out what these Elite anglers have to...
Frazier’s three pond-fishing favorites
In this #TackleTipTuesday brought to you by Mercury Marine, Micah Frazier goes over his three favorite baits for fishing ponds and other bodies of water from land. Frazier likes these...
Clent Davis shows off the setup that caught his daughter’s first fish
Watch Clent’s daughter Kayt catch her first fish here.
Austin Felix: Targeting individual fish in a tournament
A technique that Austin Felix has been playing with, to some extent for a while now, is one that most everyone employs in the spring during the spawn. Targeting individual...
Arey offers 3 tips for vibrating jigs
Few could have imagined how Ron Davis Sr.’s unique new lure invention would profoundly improve the catches of bass anglers for decades when he sold his first ChatterBaits at a...
Less is more
Back when I first started fishing for a living I could do three or four things pretty well. Now I can do a dozen things pretty well. But I’m not...
Brian Latimer’s ChatterBait philosophy
Brian Latimer discusses his approach to Chatterbait fishing from which one to use, which skirt and color and his choice of trailers.