

87 frog tips from Bassmaster Magazine

Floating, hollow-bodied frogs are far more versatile than most anglers could imagine. Bassmaster Magazine wanted to know exactly how versatile, so it asked readers to submit their best frog tips. The response was overwhelming!


Learn the Neko rig

It’s properly called “neck-oh rig” as per the Japanese anglers who have brought it over to our country. I know that, but I still sometimes call it the “neek-oh rig.”...


Lester picks two forgotten spring classics

Just because Team Toyota’s Brandon Lester is only 31 years old, doesn’t mean he’s too inexperienced to remember lures that everybody cast not long ago to catch springtime bass —...


Lures that fall off the radar

Anglers love to chase the trends in baits and techniques. When something gets hot, everyone wants to use it. When it starts catching fish for them, they can’t put it...


Tackle Tip Tuesday: Livesay’s bladed jigs

In this #TackleTipTuesday brought to you by Mercury Marine, Lee Livesay Bassmaster Elite talks about his tandem bladed jigs that he throws in the prespawn and beyond. One is great...

Land of giants: Spring big bass

Along with its bouquet of colorful flowers, spring ­blossoms with incredible opportunities to tangle with ­enormous bass in various stages of the spawn. We’ve ­assembled a lineup of bona fide...


Focus on spring pit stops

Every bass angler loves the spring spawn, when fatties move into the shallows to do their thing. It’s a time when you can put your eyes on bass, drop a...


How to fish pads

Efficiency, time-management; these are the constant considerations driving Kyle Monti’s decisions. Whether he’s guiding on Lake Okeechobee or competing on the Bassmaster Elite Series, the Florida pro knows he can...

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